in HIM
“Have the roots [of your being] firmly and deeply planted [in Him, fixed and founded in Him], being continually built up in Him, becoming increasingly more confirmed and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and abounding and overflowing in it with thanksgiving.” — Colossians 2:7 AMPC

The Coaching Process
As a coach, I help you discover God’s vision for your life and learn to live accordingly. Through direction, guiding, and building on goals, desires, aspirations, and gifts, you move from where you are to where God wants you to be. We will move you past following your own agenda by pursuing God’s purpose of a life that is PLANTED in HIM: fully and abundantly. Our 7-step process, following the Christian model, prepares you to discover the calling of God’s divine plans for your life.

The 7-Step Process
1. Foundation: Developing and deepening your spiritual roots.
2. Faith in Action: Integrating your overall life with elements of faith.
3. Relational Grace: Navigating through areas of conflict, challenge, and distractions by enhancing your relationship with Christ.
4. Biblical Mastery: Rooting yourself in the biblical principles of the word.
5. Intentional Prayer: Engaging in prayer to allow your goals to reflect and align with God’s purpose.
6. Spiritual Wholeness: Exploring faith through the transformative nature of the Holy Trinity.
7. Mindfully Planted: Quieting the mind to draw closer to God through mindfulness and practice.

Coaching Packages

Unsure about Christian coaching but curious how to improve your relationship with God? This is a great first step.
- 4 sessions for one month (30 minutes each)
-Discovery of clarity on purposes and goals
- Spiritual/moral lesson worksheets
- Accountability planning
Certain about coaching and you believe in being a hearer and doer of the word.​
- 8 sessions for two months (45 minutes each)
-Everything in the ‘Sowed Package’
- Prayerful reflections
- Values clarification
- Spiritual Assessments
A desire to be strengthened in faith and fruitful in God’s plans for you.
- 12 sessions for three month (60 minutes each)
-Everything in the ‘Implanted Package’
- Faith-Centered Reflected Journaling
- Personal Mission Statements
- Relationship Enrichment Exercises
- Christian Mindset training
- Discernment Exercises